à propos de nous et qui nous sommes ensemble

Qui sommes-nous?

360Globalnet fournit aux principaux assureurs mondiaux tous les outils dont ils ont besoin pour transformer numériquement leurs interactions avec toutes les parties à un sinistre.

Notre mission

Notre mission est de permettre à nos clients d'offrir une expérience client comparable à celle des meilleurs détaillants en ligne, tout en réduisant leurs coûts opérationnels et en améliorant le NPS.


Notre stratégie

Notre stratégie consiste à résoudre les problèmes causés par une technologie existante inflexible et obsolète, en utilisant notre plateforme de réclamation en ligne de bout-en-bout entièrement numérique et sans code qui révolutionne le processus de réclamation d'assurance.


Notre technologie

Notre technologie de réclamations numériques sans code, maintes fois primée, élimine les coûts et les retards des systèmes et développements informatiques traditionnels. Elle offre ainsi puissance, agilité et flexibilité aux professionnels en n'obligeant plus les équipes de développement informatique à apporter des modifications aux interfaces clients et aux processus de réclamation.


Nos résultats

Cette approche transformatrice permet à nos clients, certains des plus grands assureurs au monde, d'atteindre des scores NPS dans les 70 et au-delà, tout en réduisant les coûts grâce à l'automatisation de bout-en-bout et à l'orchestration de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, leur laissant la possibilité de faire preuve d'empathie et d'apporter du réconfort par téléphone si nécessaire.


Notre histoire

360Globalnet a été fondée en 2010 et est sous la direction de son fondateur, Paul Stanley. En quelques années seulement, nous avons transformé une start-up en une entreprise internationale largement reconnue comme une référence en matière d'assurance et d'innovation technologique, avec notre plateforme numérique de réclamations plusieurs fois primée, 360SiteView.

Ce qui a commencé comme une idée, offrir aux entreprises d'assurance des modèles numériques qui rationalisent la collecte, le stockage et la gestion des données, est devenu aujourd'hui un processus de bout-en-bout qui donne des résultats éprouvés.

Nos services et solutions sont désormais utilisés par de grands assureurs en Europe, en Amérique du Nord, en Asie et en Australie.


Voir le document de profil de l'entreprise Contactez-nous

à propos de nous et qui nous sommes ensemble

Notre équipe de direction

360Globalnet est dirigé par une équipe de personnes exceptionnelles, qui partagent une vision singulière : révolutionner le processus de gestion des sinistres et des demandes d'indemnisation d'assurance et l'expérience du service client grâce à la technologie.

Chief Executive Officer, FCII

360Globalnet founder Paul is passionate about digitalising the insurance claim, putting the policyholder at its heart.

He has founded and chartered five successful businesses, all improving insurance through technology.

Paul has worked for Direct Line and, while at Royal Insurance, with consultancies McKinsey and BCG. He is an avid supporter of Leicester City Football Club.

Chief Financial Officer, MBCS, FCA

Nick joined 360Globalnet in 2013.

After qualifying as a CA with Deloitte, he worked for several large UK conglomerates, being nominated for Accountant of The Year, 1986.

At Gladstone plc, he helped set up an offshore subsidiary, and helped resist a hostile takeover bid, resulting in enhanced shareholder value and business security.

James Harding
Chief Operations Officer

James brings 20 plus years' experience to 360Globalnet, spanning a range of disciplines; insurance and loss adjusting, to specialist outsourcing and ventures with Paul Stanley.

At Conversant Data, he helped the company undertake ground-breaking work in investigative psychology with Portsmouth University.

James is a 360Globalnet director and a keen Portsmouth supporter.

Chief Systems Architect and Designer

Mark has worked as an IT specialist since 1996 and has accumulated a vast and diverse knowledge of processes, systems and technology solutions.

He has over 10 years of experience within the insurance industry, working with Brokers, Lloyds Syndicates and insurance solution providers to build scalable solutions.

Mark enjoys working with ideas, turning them into realities and building sustainable practices and solutions that can benefit both clients and 360Globalnet alike.

Head of Marketing and Communications

Adrian has spent 25 years work at the top level with some of the UK's biggest insurers. He spent seven years at Direct Line Group and 13 years at esure Group working as part of the team that lead its £1.3bn flotation on the London Stock Exchange. Today he is a board director at Goco Group plc (owner of Gocompare) and Chairman of LAB - one of the UK's leading human behaviour focused marketing groups.  He joined 360Globalnet in 2019 as Head of Marketing and Communications.

Financial Controller & Company Secretary

Jane has over 30 years’ experience in accounting and financial reporting with particular focus in the insurance sector.  She is closely involved in the documentation of processes and policies for all key areas of the business.  Her role includes the management of all HR related issues as well as payroll.


Jane has been working alongside Paul Stanley for over 20 years.

Technical Manager, MSc BA (Hons)

Martyn’s expertise in Video over IP, system design and geographical information systems supports 360Globalnet clients with their digital processing requirements.

He manages design and development of our products and services, using his proficiency in deploying smart devices to initiate claims.

He is knowledgeable about Latin American markets and fluent in Spanish.

Property Technical Manager, BSc, MRICS

Andrew is a seasoned subsidence professional.  After training as a Chartered Building Surveyor and a stint in loss adjusting, he worked for Direct Line for 7 years.

He joined 360Globalnet’s CEO at InFront Innovation in 2001 and was key to the setup and success of the subsidence claims management service.

Andrew is a keen skier and competes in marathons around the world.

Development Manager

Jason has over 30 years experience in the Insurance Claims Industry. Alongside Paul Stanley, Jason developed the first applied psychology model for the Insurance Market in the UK and went onto develop a Fraud model and processes for the largest Defendant Law Firm in the UK. 
At 360Globalnet, Jason is instrumental in the development of unstructured data technology. Working with Insurers on their claims systems, processes and claims profiling, fraud and Personal Injury analysis.

Business Development Manager

Jason is an insurance claims professional, with over 25 years’ experience, having managed large operations specialising in personal injury, fraud and liability. 
He has taken leading roles in the investigation and development of claims strategies for all types of businesses to delivery financial and operational benefits.
At 360Globalnet, he continues the development and deployment of next generation data analytics and fraud & personal injury solutions.  


360Globalnet et le RGPD


Toutes nos technologies sont conçues selon une norme entièrement conforme au RGPD.

Il est essentiel de pouvoir capturer, stocker, rectifier et effacer en toute sécurité les informations personnelles pour respecter les obligations de conformité.