
Inject life into existing systems


Unfortunately, many companies are now in the middle of a frozen lake and the ice is cracking. They have to move quickly but also can’t be too rough. 


Luckily, no-code technology from 360Globalnet can wrap around legacy systems like the cashmere blankets around the knees of those whose assets are freezing! It can add digital functionality, automation and retail-style notifications to the claims journey, helping companies get off the ice safely.


A combination of our infinitely configurable no-code technology mixed with bi-directional APIs enables insurers to integrate digital capabilities in the areas they're lacking functionality, extending the life of  legacy systems. 


The single biggest benefit this approaching is speed. Pre the pandemic, insurers were comfortable taking time dipping their toes into potential changes. However, delivering digital services is now of paramount importance for insurers looking to deliver the experience their customers now expect. 360Globalnet has been working with global insurers with the necessary transformations in a fraction of the time and cost of a typical ‘spec and build’ approach.


If you're looking for the soft touch approach like a butterfly landing with sore feet, then we're here to wrap around slower-moving legacy systems, digitally enabling insurers with agile eFNOL and real-time update capabilities, delivering NPS scores in the 80s.



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