
Proactive and data driven claims profiling.


Ability to produce analytical insights based upon historical profile, current and emerging experience, identifying changes in risks and priorities within the business to enable appropriate informed strategic business and process response and refinement. Portfolio profiling includes;


 - High-level business performance - claims and underwriting.

 - Any class of Business; Motor, Home, Legacy, Casualty, Commercial, Travel, Pet etc.

 - Peril, claim constituent, head of claim level for example

 - Personal/bodily Injury profiling

 - Large loss and high-risk profiling

 - Profiling of claims with latent cost, risk and exposure propensity.


Having access to 100% of your data, there enables your claims profiling to be proactive and data driven, that reactive and only accessing your structured data.


Based on a back load of historical data, the abilities of 360Retrieve enable you have an excellent benchmark of past patterns and trends.


Then in real time, deploying 360Retrieve enables emerging patterns and trends to be identified in real time.


This leads to strategies, best practices and processes being driven by data and being able to proactively react to changings in real time.


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